38.04.02 Management (Geoinformation Systems in Management)

Major: Geoinformation Systems in Management

Level: Master’s degree programme

Duration of training: 2 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Oleg Loginovskiy, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor

Description of the educational programme

The knowledge and skills obtained by the students contribute to specialist training, facilitate the implementation of process management activities and the provision of geographic information technologies, and also form the graduates' general-cultural, general-professional, and professional competencies for successful activity.

Field of professional activity: managerial activity in bodies of state and municipal administration; entrepreneurial and organizational activity; research in scientific organisations; educational activity in educational organisations.

Advantages of the programme: the opportunity to study under Double Degree program with in-depth study of the English language, and studying for 1 or 2 semester in the USA, with a chance to take internship in American companies, taking practical training and getting a job in Russian companies, research centres, and governmental structures of our region.


SUSU Main Building, 76 Lenin Prospekt, Chelyabinsk 454080

  • Director’s Office of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications: Room 158, tel.: +7(351)272-32-42, +7(351)272-32-22
  • Student Office of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications: Room 154, tel.:+7(351)267‑91-31
  • Department of International Relations, Politology and Regional Studies: Room 169, tel.: +7(351)267-94-14

Head of the Department of International Relations, Politology and Regional Studies: Liudmila Shestakova, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: shestakovali[at]susu[dot]ru

Tatiana Vasileva vasilevatv[at]susu[dot]ru;

Valentina Maksimova valmaksimova[at]mail[dot]ru

Web-site: http://ilic.susu.ru

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