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SUSU Awarded Finalists and Winners of B.N. Khristenko Olympiad for Schoolchildren

The final round of the Fifth B.N. Khristenko Interregional Olympiad in Financial Literacy for Schoolchildren has taken place. This traditional event is held by the Department of Economics and Finance of the SUSU School of Economics and Management. A well-known economist, a specialist in development and implementation of business games in economics, Boris Khristenko introduced active methods of teaching students at Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute (future SUSU) and headed the first laboratory of business games in the USSR.

South Ural Association of International Students and Alumni Took Part in Off-site Event

An off-site team-building event for activists of South Ural Association of International Students and Alumni, organised by the International Office and AO SZ “Yuzhuralstroyservis”, was held at the Chebarkul recreation centre April 13th through April 14th.

SUSU international students, from such countries as Uzbekistan, China, Iran, Tajikistan, Iraq, India, Kazakhstan, Russia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and Kyrgyzstan, took part in the event. As part of the program, they learned about local attractions, tasted Arabic coffee, played sport games, and participated in a media contest.

SUSU Mathematicians Laid Flowers at Memorial Plaque of Abram Katsman on Anniversary of His Birth

On April 22nd, on the 108th anniversary of the birth of Abram Katsman, one of the first mathematicians of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute who had worked at the university since 1943, those scientists and teachers, who know and remember him, who consider him their teacher, gathered at the memorial plaque in his memory (on the second floor of the eastern wing of the SUSU main building).

SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology Hosted MetalQuest for Schoolchildren

On April 19th, a quest for schoolchildren in the 10th to 11th forms was held at the laboratories of the SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology, during which children independently made memorable souvenirs from metal.

Students of SUSU Military Training Centre Are Preparing for Parade

Victory Day is approaching. A traditional military parade will be held in the central square of Chelyabinsk on May 9th. As usual, the staff of the SUSU Military Training Centre will take part in it.

Two "boxes" of students – students of the Centre led by officers – will solemnly march along the Revolution Square. Now training is underway on the territory of the Military Training Centre: the guys are learning how to hold the line beautifully.

"Dream Higher!": Final of SUSU Aerospace Engineering Science-to-Practice School Took Place

On April 5th, the closing ceremony of the SUSU Aerospace Engineering Science-to-Practice School 2024 took place at the SUSU Indoor Athletic Stadium. At our university, schoolchildren presented unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of their own design, among which the jury selected the best ones.

Yuri Gagarin: Global Scale Heroic Deed of the First Man in Space

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the great man who entered world history as the first cosmonaut in the outer space. Yuri Gagarin was a Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union. On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor of the Department of Russian and International History at the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities of South Ural State University Igor Sibiriakov shared the historical facts of the heroic feat by Yuri Gagarin.

SUSU “Nasledie” Research and Development Centre Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary

The “Nasledie” Research and Development Centre of the Institute of Architecture and Construction of South Ural State University, headed by Valentin Olenkov, celebrated its 20th anniversary on April 8th.

Staying Healthy Is Key to a Happy Life! World Health Day Celebrated at SUSU

Health Day is celebrated worldwide on April 7th. The aim of this holiday is to draw people's attention to issues in the healthcare sector, encourage everyone to monitor the state of their health, maintain a healthy lifestyle and timely visit medical institutions. On the occasion of the event, we talked to the chief physician of the SUSU Medical Centre, Olga Veselova, about how properly take care of yourself.

– Please, tell us about the SUSU Medical Centre?

Open House Day to be Held at SUSU

Our university invites everyone to the Open House Day, which will take place on Sunday, April 14. Future students and their parents will be able to learn about the benefits of studying at one of the leading universities of our region, as well as meet representatives of the schools and institutes.

Only Forward: Interview with Head Coach of SUSU Hockey Team

Our hockey team "Polytechnic" is fighting for victory in the semi-finals of the Regional Cup in Chebarkul with the local team "Zvezda". During the break between matches, we talked with the team's head coach Artyom Pletnev.

– You have so many hockey drills, it is hard to keep track of everything. You have probably already started psyching the guys up to win?

Technostart 2024 Contest Results Announced

Contest finals of Technostart 2024, organized by the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Architecture and Construction and School of Economics and Management, have wrapped up at the “University Boiling Point”. This year, the contest has included trending nominations in: Engineering Solutions, Software Solutions, Construction Solutions, Scientific Research, Startups and Social Solutions.

SUSU Mathematicians Created a Program for Distributing Foreign Currency Deposits and Adjusting Stock Portfolios

Yuan or dollar, euro or rouble? A new computer development by the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science of South Ural State University will help you find the optimal answer, and get maximum profit with minimal risks, taking into account the exchange rate forecast and expert assessments. The work was carried out within the framework of the Science and Universities national project.

SUSU Postgraduates Will Share on Their Research Results

A new series of scientific events starts at South Ural State University on April 2nd. Postgraduates from all schools and institutes will speak about the results of their dissertation research studies.

The series of public talks will be opened by the 2024 graduates of postgraduate programmes of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. Talks will be held:

  • April 2nd at 14:30 at Room 1007

  • April 3rd at 10:00 at Room 1007

Defence of Doctoral Dissertation Took Place at School of Economics and Management

On March 28th, Nataliia Korotina, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Security at the School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University, defended her doctoral dissertation.

Student Accelerator: From Idea to Finished Product

In the conditions of growing competition and the need for innovative solutions, the student accelerator of South Ural State University is becoming increasingly significant and relevant.

Cheburashka and Oranges: SUSU Philosophers Study Fairy Tale Therapy

Meeting within the Lantern and Butterfly Philosophy Club has been held at SUSU. The discussion topic was not quite a usual one – “Fairy Tale Therapy: My Personal Myth in Re-interpretation of the Plot”.

Starting form 2019, the club participants have been monthly meeting to discuss updates in the philosophers’ community. This time the event poster has drawn attention by the picture of a cute Cheburashka with oranges. Why namely this image?

Frying Oil Upcycling: Chelyabinsk Scientists Found a Way to Process Catering Waste into Lubricating Materials

Thanks to the work of scientists of South Ural State University, a long-standing problem for cafes and restaurants has been solved: how to dispose of the used frying oil. There were problems with its disposal; usually burnt oil was burned in brick factories and small enterprises. But recently, emissions standards have become stricter; and burning waste oil has become prohibited. SUSU scientists have proposed a rational approach to the problem: to process waste vegetable oils into lubricating materials.

SUSU Students Met with Representatives of Religious Denominations

On March 28th, our students took part in an annual meeting with leaders of traditional faiths to discuss issues of ethics, spiritual, moral and family values in the Russian nation.

The event was organized by the Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk jointly with the Coordination Centre of Chelyabinsk State University on the promotion of social activism among young people, prevention of interethnic and interfaith conflicts, and countering the ideology of terrorism and extremism.

SUSU Will Host PCT 2024 Conference on Supercomputers and Neural Networks

April 2nd through April 4th, the 18th International Scientific Conference on Parallel Computational Technologies (PCT’2024) will be held at South Ural State University. PCT is an authoritative and prestigious forum in the field of application of parallel computing technologies and machine learning in various fields of science and technology. The founders of the conference are the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Supercomputer Consortium of Russian Universities.

Students of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Made it to the Finals of a Prestigious “Luchnik Future” Professional Contest

Second-year and third-year Bachelor’s students of the Advertising and Public Relations programme of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities passed the selection round for the in-person presentation of solutions to cases of the “Luchnik Future” contest in Moscow! This contest is part of a prestigious “Serebryanyi Luchnik” (“Silver Archer”) professional contest in the field of public relations.

Winners and Prize-winners of the All-Russian Prometheus Olympiad on Linguistics Announced

The final round of the All-Russian Prometheus Student Olympiad on Linguistics, organized by the Department of Linguistics and Translation of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications was held on March 25th.

Take Care: Annual Health Day Held at SUSU

This year, as part of the traditional event, SUSU students have had a chance to became blood donors or check their health state by taking rapid testing for HIV/AIDS. The donor centre was opened in the hall of the second floor of the 2nd academic building. This time, 57 university students and staff members have donated their blood.

This is not the first time for SUSU Vice-Rector for Student and Social Affairs Anton Manuylov to donate blood. This time he also could not stand aside.

“Your Time Is Up!” SUSU Scientists Designed a Smart Wrap Warning of Food Spoilage

Bioactive food wraps designed by scientists from the SUSU Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology decompose in soil within two weeks and help food stay fresh longer.

The structure of this biodegradable film, engineered within the frameworks of a grant by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), includes a unique active component called protein hydrolysate. It provides the food wrap with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which help extend the shelf life of the product stored in it by 3 days.

SUSU Scientist Proposed a “Black Swans”-resistant Macroeconomics Model

Professor of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor of the School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) Sergei Aliukov published a paper in the journal of Mathematics (TOP-10 Web of Science; Q1 Scopus), where he proposed a new approach to macroeconomics modelling.

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