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SUSU Military Training Centre Opened Exhibition in Honour of Heroes of Russia

An opening ceremony of photo exhibition “Heroes of the Russian Federation. Chelyabinsk Region” was held at SUSU Military Training Centre. The event was organized by the Extracurricular Activities Department of the university and the Chelyabinsk Regional Organization of Combat Action Participants “Rodina”.

SUSU Students Win Basketball Tournament at the Moscow Games-2019 Festival

The V Festival of Student and Youth Sports Moscow Games-2019 concluded in Moscow. More than 2 thousand athletes from 14 countries took part in this competition and competed for medals in 14 sports. The team of South Ural State University students became victorious in men’s basketball tournament.

SUSU Represented on the World Organization of Experimental Archaeology (EXARC) Website

South Ural State University has become the only Russian university represented on the website of the World Organization of Experimental Archaeology, EXARC. The SUSU page contains information concerning the university’s experimental archaeology laboratory, which carries out international experimental research projects, studies and designs the technologies of the ancient population of the Ural Region.

SUSU Association of International Students Invites International Volunteers

The Association of International Students is looking for active and motivated international students to help those, who came to Russia for the first time, and to participate in organizing events.

AIS has been operating for 6 years now. It includes more than 2,500 students from 56 countries all over the world. The Association is actively developing and holds a large number of events and holidays for SUSU international students. Last year, 5-6 events were held every month, and in the new academic year, even more are planned.

SUSU Becomes Member of the University Alliance of the Silk Road

On September 19th, South Ural State University became member of the University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR). Vice-Rector for International Relations Olga Yaroshenko took part in the UASR 2019 events, in the city of Xi’an of the People’s Republic of China, within the frameworks of which the membership of SUSU in this organisation was discussed.

SUSU Takes Part in an International Exhibition by the European Association for International Education Held in Helsinki

South Ural State University has become a participant at the 31st annual conference held by the European Association for International Education (EAIE Conference and Exhibition 2019). The Conference and Exhibition has been held on September 24th through 27th in Helsinki (Finland). SUSU is represented by the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Olga Yaroshenko, and the Head of the International Office, Liudmila Lapina.

Special algorithm for Twitter will reveal the satisfaction of air passengers

Scientists of South Ural State University have developed an algorithm that allows to distinguish between positive and negative feedback from air travelers’ twits using machine learning methods. Innovation represents a program for processing preliminary data in combination with a trained convolutional neural network. The development will increase the satisfaction of airline customers. The results of the study were published in the highly-rated Journal of Big Data (Scopus, TOP-10%).

SUSU Rector Becomes Member of the IMEKO General Council

Rector of South Ural State University Aleksandr Shestakov has become the only representative of Russia in the General Council of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO).

SUSU Students and Employees Took Part in the “Welding in Russia” International Conference

Mikhail Ivanov, Dean of the SUSU Faculty of Material Science and Metallurgical Technology, and students training under a project-based learning programme took part in the “Welding in Russia 2019: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives” International Conference, which was held at the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Tomsk. South Ural State University was one of the conference organizers along with other big universities and industrial associations of Russia.

Memorable Finale of the II All-Russian Student GTO Festival Took Place at SUSU

On the 23rd of September, ceremonious closing ceremony of the II All-Russian Student Festival “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) took place at South Ural State University. Awards for the winners of the Festival were handed by the Minister of Sports of the Chelyabinsk region, Leonid Oder, the Head of the Department for GTO Complex Implementation, Aleksandr Karpov, and the SUSU Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Vyacheslav Burmatov.

Russian scientists develop a program for energy-efficient homes

Scientists of South Ural State University conducted a study of wall fragments with a window structure and analyzed possible heat loss. As a result, a universal mathematical model was developed that will reduce energy consumption by eliminating additional heat loss, and will, in addition, can be used for energy classification of buildings under construction and operation. The results of the study were published in the highly-rated scientific journal Magazine of Civil Engineering (Scopus, Q1).

SUSU Plans to Collaborate with Iran in the Field of Nanotechnologies

A delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran paid a visit to South Ural State University in order to discuss academic and scientific collaboration. The delegation representatives met the SUSU leadership and were taken on a tour around the university’s top research and education centres and laboratories.

Roundtable Discussion Entitled “Knowledge about Politics: How to Get and Where to Use” is to be Held at SUSU

On the 3rd of October 2019, a roundtable discussion entitled “Knowledge about Politics: How to Get and Where to Use” is to take place at South Ural State University under support of the Department of International Relations, Politology, and Regional Studies and the Council of Young Political Scientists of the Russian Political Science Association. The event is going to start at 1:35 p.m. by the address: classroom 168, 76 Lenin prospect, Chelyabinsk.

SUSU Students to Join the Ranks of “Digital Volunteers”

On Thursday, September 19th, students of Chelyabinsk universities gathered at the SUSU’s Sigma university complex to learn about the projects being fulfilled by the Non-commercial Organisation South Ural Association of Volunteers, and to join the ranks of “Digital Volunteers”.

Ceremonious Opening and Start of Operation of the SUSU School of Information Technology Perspectives

Ceremonious opening of the School called “Information Technology Perspectives”, being implemented under support of Rosmolodezh Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, took place on September 17. Participants of the event were about 80 students majoring in IT at the School of Economics and Management and the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, as well as lecturers and partners of the university.

Master Class by Yuzhny Ural Broadcasting Company Held at the SUSU International Reporter School

Within the training process for students of the Elite Education Cluster at the SUSU Faculty of Journalism, a master class was held by Director of Yuzhny Ural State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Evgeniya Dmitrenko, and hosts and reporters of Vesti – Yuzhny Ural and Sobytiya Nedeli news programs – Aleksey Sanochkin and Lev Bitkov.

SUSU Recognized as a Top University in the “The Three University Missions” Ratings for the First Time

On September 19th, the Three Missions University Ranking, also known as the Moscow International University Ranking (MosIUR) was published. Presented there were the 1200 best universities from 79 countries, including 74 Russian higher education institutions. This year, South Ural State University was included in the list of the best higher education institutions around the world according to MosIUR for the first time; in the global rankings, SUSU was placed within the 801-900 interval, and got a position in the range of 33-39 among Russian universities.

Russian scientists discover the “steppe” genetic trail among the inhabitants of India

Scientists of South Ural State University as a part of an outstanding international project have confirmed the theory of migration of native speakers of Indo-European languages from Eurasian steppe to the territory of the Indian subcontinent. The scientific team managed to find the genome of people who spoke the languages of the Indo-European family among the population living in the territory of Northern India several thousand years ago. The article was published in the highly-rated journal Science.

“Welcome to the Family”: First Information Day for International Students Held at SUSU

On September 17 at the Conference Hall of Sigma Academic Complex, the annual meeting of representatives of SUSU subdivisions with international students took place. The event was held under support of International Office and Association of International Students.

SUSU Graduate Earns Prestigious Award in Tajikistan

South Ural State University (SUSU) has long been a popular academic institution for many international students. Why do they choose SUSU in particular? How does the knowledge they obtain here help them build their career? Graduate of the SUSU postgraduate programme, awardee of the 2019 Ismoil Somoni* Award for Young Researchers (Tajikistan) Shahriyor Sadullozoda (Saidaliev) spoke to us on these topics.

– Why did you choose the SUSU postgraduate programme to receive your academic title?

Why Treating Grain with Ultrasound? Scientists Found a Way to Improve Yields

Scientists of South Ural State University invented and patented a method for grain treatment which will allow balancing the amino-acid composition, improving the quality of synthesized vitamins and minerals in its structure, and provide high yield of wheat.

Symphony Orchestra of Magnitogorsk Opera and Ballet Theatre is to Open the New Philharmonic Season at SUSU

On Thursday, September 26th, Symphony Orchestra of Magnitogorsk Opera and Ballet Theatre is to perform at the Activity Hall of South Ural State University, which is going to become some kind of an overture of the new philharmonic season.

At SUSU, the Orchestra will present a programme featuring the following soloists of the Magnitogorsk Opera and Ballet Theatre:

Russian scientists reconfigure the heat supply system in residential buildings

Scientists of South Ural State University have solved the problem of reducing electricity and gas costs in Russian homes by 10%. Enormous savings can be achieved by reconfiguring the automatic boiler controllers in a specific way. The development is patented and successfully tested in one of the residential complexes of Chelyabinsk (Russia).

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