Applicant 2021: Become a Specialist in the Field of International Relations and Political Science


The South Ural State University Department of International Relations, Political Science, and Regional Studies  invites applicants to study in in-demand and promising programmes. SUSU has formed special educational trajectories for students which help to make learning more effective and interesting.

Studies of Europe and Asia

The Urals is located at the junction of Europe and Asia, which means that research into the region's history and the peculiarities of cultural and political processes will never lose relevance here. The Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies offers the programme 41.03.01 International Regional Studies in two areas: Asian Studies and Eurasian Studies. Students study global economics and integration processes, become experts in business etiquette, and study English and Chinese. Graduates have the skills and techniques to establish professional contacts and communicate in Russian, Chinese, and English, knowledge of the key foreign policy directions of foreign countries, and the peculiarities of their diplomacy and relations with Russia.

Our country is a key actor in world politics and geopolitics, so professionals in international relations and diplomacy are needed and in demand. The programme 41.03.05 International Relations is the right choice for you if you dream of a career as a diplomat or want to interact with other countries in various organisations. The programme is aimed at training specialists with knowledge of international integration models as well as diplomatic and business etiquette. Highly qualified instructors offer courses on the history and theory of international relations, and teach their students to understand the main directions of foreign policy of states and the peculiarities of their diplomatic relations with Russia. Students learn to interact with the media, speak two foreign languages fluently, and conduct business correspondence and negotiations without the help of an interpreter.

"Multicultural professionals successfully support communications at the international level of public authorities and major companies. If you dream of studying at the foreign partner universities of SUSU and taking part in real projects—welcome!" says Liudmila Shestakova, Head of the Department, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

Another in-demand field of study is 41.03.04 Political Science. A political scientist has great deal of specific knowledge for the examination of all spheres of life related to politics. Political scientists do not just analyze political situations and predict the development of political processes, but also shape them. In order to successfully influence the political situation within a country, one must study political theory, analysis and forecasting, comparative political science, and political management. Students learn how to manage election and political campaigns, political management in governmental bodies, apparatuses of political parties and socio-political associations. Many political scientists find careers in journalism, academia, political technology companies, public service, and international organisations.

The programmes last 4 years in full-time form, on a state scholarship and contract basis. Entrance tests: (Unified State Examination (USE)) history, Russian language, social studies (foreign language).

Master's programmes: a new stage of professional development

The Department of International Relations, Political Science, and Regional Studies offers a Master's degree programme in 41.04.05 International Relations: Regional Integration in the Modern World. The practically-oriented programme aims to train specialists in the regional aspects of the global political, legal, economic and information spaces. Expert evaluation and forecasting of the dynamics of socio-political and economic processes at all levels of world politics is more in demand than ever in the complex conditions of a constantly changing world. Students have a unique opportunity to study at a European university: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Italy, Slovenia, or Spain through grants and bilateral agreements with SUSU. Graduates are in demand in diplomatic structures, ministries and departments of our country, in the departments of foreign economic activity of enterprises and expert and analytical departments of mass media.

Another academic programme is 41.04.04 Political Science: Political Management.

The 38.04.02 Management: Geoinformation Systems in Management programme is no less in demand. The administration of modern database management systems with consideration of geolocation is gaining special importance in the conditions of the digitalization of the economy. Trained specialists have knowledge in the field of e-business and e-commerce and can create methods and mechanisms of information protection.

The Master’s degree programme lasts 2 years 3 months in the part-time form on a contract basis. There is an entrance exam.


Project-based learning and elite training

The Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies implements project-based learning. The goal of the My Constituency project is to map electoral districts to organize the effective activities of political leaders, parties, and analysts.


The Online Reception Room of the Municipal Deputy for Citizens' Appeals project is designed to develop the best forms of two-way electoral communication at one of the districts of Chelyabinsk.

The elite training zone is represented by the Organizational Behaviour and Leadership programme. It is aimed at gaining theoretical knowledge in the field of storytelling, content marketing and digital literacy, building practical skills of goal-oriented thinking, and increasing personal effectiveness.

One of the department's graduates, Tatiana Beloglazova, told us this about her studies:

"One huge advantage of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications is the opportunity to study in exchange programs at Chinese universities, which allows you to be much more productive in learning Chinese by practicing your speech skills. After graduating, I began working at the Pushkin Institute Research, Education and Coordination Centre, focusing on China. I organize activities at Chinese partner universities aimed at the development and promotion of the study of the Russian language: holding events, Olympiads, and contests".

Academic partners of the department include Beijing Polytechnic University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hainan University, China Petroleum University, Clark University (USA), Russian Association of Political Science, Russian Society for Global Studies.

Students complete internships in state and local governments, political parties, socio-political organisations, and the analytical and PR departments of large enterprises and organisations. Graduates are in demand by consulting, communication, and marketing agencies, media, and research and educational institutions.


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