Teachers of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Took Part in the Webinars of Union of Translators of Russia


The Institute of Linguistics and International Communicationsand the Department of Linguistics and Translation continues to collaborate with Union of Translators of Russia (UTR).

This professional union brings together specialists in the field of translation of literature of all genres, official and business documentation, court and simultaneous interpreters, as well as experts in the field of lexicography, theory and history of translation, and those who teach translation studies.UTR is a permanent member of International Federation of Translators (FIT), where it represents the interests of the translation community of Russia and the CIS.

Marking its 30th anniversary, the all-Russian public organization has prepared a series of online webinars. Teachers of translation and best students of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications, along with their colleagues from leading linguistic universities of Russia, France, Canada, the USA, Jordan, Brazil and other countries (more than 250 people in total) took part in the event.

Within the framework of the event, which was named Foreign Experience of Training Translators, outstanding specialists in this field, representing various countries of the world and a variety of modern methodological approaches to teaching translation, spoke on the topic. Working languages: English, French and Russian.

Famous German translatologist, professional translator and teacher of translation Christiane Nord shared her experience of training translators in a lecture on the topic of Teaching Translation the Functional Way.

The first part of the lecture consisted of the concept of translation competence, methods of training translators, translation difficulties and their solutions. The second part was organised in the form of discussion, a dialogue with the audience.

The webinar on the methodology of training interpreters at the Paris Higher School of Translators was conducted by Doctor of Translation Studies, Associate Professor at theNew Sorbonne University - Paris III, and retired Director of the Paris Higher School of Translators (ESIT) Tatiana Bodrova.

The lecturer presented the audience the Master's degree programme in training interpreters. For more than an hour, Tatiana Bodrova answered the questions of the audience in an interactive mode. The lecture was of great interest among the participants of the online event. Everyone was happy to communicate with a representative of the interpretive approach to translation and receive useful advice for their professional activities.

The second cycle of lectures, which is aimed to introduce international professional community and colleagues of the FIT the directions of modern Russian translation theory and is called Russian Translation Studies and Russian Translators of the 21st Century.

Participation in such events will allow teachers of translation in our university to use the gained experience in their professional activities.

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