SUSU Invites to Take a Course of Professional Retraining “Enterprise Cost Assessment”

Institute of Supplementary Education invites to take a course of professional training “Enterprise (Business) Cost Assessment”. The aim of the programme is to study the modern methods and techniques of assessment activity, development of the practical skills of assessment including those which are necessary to determine the market cost of certain types of property and business (enterprise) in whole.  

The programme is aimed at those who decided to obtain a new specialty of an appraiser, as well as managers and specialists who want to master modern methods of assessment and management of enterprise or individual assets cost. Mastering the assessment methodology is necessary for specialists such as auditors, economists, anti-crises managers, managers of real estate or business centres, managers and employees of real estate agencies, insurance companies, appraisal and consulting firms, banks, construction and leasing companies.

The attendees of the course will study to carry out the assessment:

  • land plots;
  • real estate;
  • machinery, equipment, facilities;
  • intangible assets and intellectual property;
  • other types of property;
  • cost of an enterprise (business) as a whole;

The programme is developed in compliance with the requirements of the appraisers professional retraining programmes in the Russian Federation. Classes are given by highly professional academics, practicing appraisers and heads of assessment centres.

At the end of the course, the attendees receive a diploma of professional retraining. Duration of training mskes up 8 months, assistance in employment is provided.

The classes begin on February 19, 2019.

Additional information can be obtained at the address of Chelyabinsk, Lenin Prospect, 85, building 3А, room 286    

Tel./ fax: (351) 265-69-64, 267-99-08,

Email: zdo-eip[at]mail[dot]ru

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