Finalists of Coca-Cola Hellenic contest!

On April 12 in SUSU Performance Hall the first stage of Coca-Cola Hellenic contest for free language internship in London took place.

More than 300 participants took part in that stage; the guys did the test in English to check their language knowledge. According to the results 45 students and postgraduates get into the second round which will be held on April 18-19.

The language internship in London provided by “Coca-Cola Hellenic” is an opportunity for every active and motivated student to go to the United Kingdom, study at the language school over there, get acquainted with new culture and improve his professional skills. The cooperation project of talented youth assistance with SUSU is one of the highest priority directions for Coca-Cola Hellenic in sphere of socially oriented business.

10 winners of the contest will go to London in August 2013 and study at the language school. The internship places will be equally distributed among the students who study English professionally and for whom the foreign language is not a specialty.

“We are glad that the competition for the language internship is very popular among SUSU students, - says Tatyana Sidelnikova, manager for external communications of Coca-Cola Hellenic in the Ural region, - Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between SUSU and Coca-Cola Hellenic the language internship contest with further study in London will be held for the third time. Since 2007 twenty six SUSU students and postgraduates have studied in London”.
We congratulate the following finalists:
1 Lisitsina Valeriya Georgievna ST-481
2 Vaganov Maksim Aleksandrovich TE-349
3 Kotlubaev Danil Rafailovich TE-349
4 Gorokhova Anna Vyacheslavovna EM-259
5 Cherkasova Evgeniya Sergeevna J-412
6 Kurbatova Nina Igorevna TE-140
7 Krakhalev Aleksandr Vladimirovich FT-359
8 Efremova Darya Vitalievna TE-540
9 Makarchuk Alina Aleksandrovna EM-333
10 Matasheva Dayana Yurievna J-209
11 Obraztsova Aleksandra Sergeevna TE-140
12 Safina Alina Nuriagzamovna ST-151
13 Chernysheva Katerina Leonidovna CTCRE-531
14 Kolotygina Ekaterina Nikolaevna TE-112
15 Sokolova Anastasiya Aleksandrovna EM-252
16 Ponomareva Valeriya Alekseevna LF-349
17 Balandina Kseniya Aleksandrovna AC-430
18 Denisova Darya Vladimirovna ST-571
19 Trofimchuk Kseniya Dmitrievna EM
20 Safrygin Kirill Nikolaevich EE-471
21 Shcherbakov Egor Stanislavovich L-404
22 Lesovskaya Irina Gennadievna L-402
23 Loginkina Aleksandra Viktorovna L-506
24 Kunkel Yuliya Sergeevna L-404
25 Bychkova Evgeniya Vasilievna L-306
26 Meler Viktoriya Evgenievna L
27 Saetova Ilona Mirasovna L-404
28 Andreev Roman Aleksandrovich MM-570
29 Sabirova Kristina Rafilevna L-406
30 Fayzulina Kristina Olegovna L-303
31 Prikhodko Mariya Vladimirovna EE-461
32 Ponkina Tatyana Aleksandrovna J-411
33 Kunavina Tatyana Alekseevna EE-461
34 Smetanina Ekaterina Dmitrievna TE (postgraduate)
35 Logvinova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna EE-303
36 Fomkin Maksim Pavlovich AC-283
37 Vilkova Tatyana Dmitrievna EM-266
38 Kulyasova Aleksandra Konstantinovna J-504
39 Dmitrieva Kseniya Borisovna EM-266
40 Shamsutdinova Yuliya Faritovna J-305
41 Ermoshkin Yakov Andreevich PE-311
42 Gordienko Anastasiya Sergeevna EE-466
43 Ivanova Anastasiya Mikhaylovna PE-229
44 Dulina Valeriya Dmitrievna CTCRE-269
45 Igoshin Oleg Sergeevich J-305
Event date: 
Thursday, 18 April, 2013 - 08:15
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