Applied Biotechnology Department of Trade and Economic Faculty invites to seminar on dairy production

On April 10 Applied Biotechnology Department of Trade and Economic Faculty and SUSU scientific library will organize a joint seminar on "Scientific biotechnological and physiological aspects of dairy production in accordance with modern requirements of healthy nutrition". The seminar will be held by Galina K. Maksimova, Senior research scientist, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor and member of Social Council of Consumer Rights Protection Society.
In the course of the seminar Galina Maksimova will represent a detailed review of dairy market; consider the production technologies of natural and combined dairy products; and tell about biotechnological and physiological requirements to the dairy products quality.
Also the current issues of dairy products safety will be touched upon at the seminar. The latest tendencies of the mentioned sphere will be especially considered for those experts who are responsible for laboratory accreditation of the dairy branch of food industry.
Applied Biotechnology Department of Trade and Economic Faculty invites all interested specialists to take part in the seminar.
The seminar will be held on April 10 in room 263/2, from 13.30 to 17.00
If any question, please call:
+7 (351) 267-99-65 or check the following link:
Event date: 
Wednesday, 10 April, 2013 - 13:30
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