Faculty of Journalism at IX Interregional TeleForum «Our Times XXI Century»

In Tarko-Sale of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug the Interregional TeleForum of young people took place. Five students of SUSU Faculty of Journalism took part in the contest of videos.
The participants of IX Interregional TeleForum of young people were united by one idea "We are Children of One Planet" dedicated to the questions of tolerance and friendship between people of all nationalities. The contest of television programs and videos took place in the following nominations: "Young People Energy", "A Hero of Our Time" and "NEXT Generation".
Every day the members of jury watched the works of more than 70 participants, corrected their mistakes together with the authors and gave master classes. The TeleForum ended with awarding ceremony of the winners.
As the result there were three diplomas in nomination "Young People Energy" for the program "Young People Avenue" (television and radio broadcasting company "SUSU-TV"), in nomination "A Hero of Our Time" - video "Hospital Clown" (author - Tatyana Maksimova, student of SUSU Faculty of Journalism), in nomination "Best Video Editing" - program "Sport Formula" (film editors - Igor Garelin and Pavel Sineglazov from television and radio broadcasting company "SUSU-TV").
Our students spent four unforgettable days in the North. Tatyana Maksimova, Viktoriya Gavrilina, Kseniya Karpenko, Kristina Ivanova and Natalya Buldakova not only worked there but also tried themselves at a new kind of sport called "freerope" and national dances, they got acquainted with local theatre and museum of national culture.
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