Блинов Иван Александрович

Старший преподаватель кафедры «Минералогия и геохимия»
Кандидат геолого-минералогических наук
Hirsch index: 
Scopus 7
Web of Science 6
Russian scientific profiles: 
РИНЦ: SPIN-код 2296-5897, Author ID 598991
Scopus ID: 56543081700
Web of Science ResearcherID: J-4837-2018
Articles and monographs: 
Таиров, А.Д. Состав металла предметов из случайных находок на территории степной и лесостепной зон Южного Зауралья / А.Д. Таиров, И.А. Блинов //Археология Евразийских степей.–2024 № 1.– C.237-255
Blinov, I.A Composition of Non-military Bronze Items from the Kichigino I Burial Ground / I.A. Blinov, A.D. Tairov //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2023.– P.265-273
Composition of Copper and Bronze Items from the Ashchisu Burial Ground / Blinov, I. //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2023.–Vol. 1688.– P.253-263
Metal Composition of Items of the Early Iron Age from the Collection of the Chesma History and Local History Museum / I.P. Alaeva //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2023.– P.275-282
Metallurgical Slags of the II Kuzminkovskoe Bronze Age Settlement (Southern Cis-Urals) / M.. Ankushev //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2023.–Vol. 1688.– P.244-252
Stepanov, I.S. Characterization of the Bloomery Iron Slags and Ores from the Zotinsky Ancient Mine, Middle Trans-Urals, Russia / I.S. Stepanov, I.A. Blinov, D.A. Artemyev //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2023.– P.203-217
Stone Vessel with Remnants of Paint from Bronze Age—The Levoberezhnoe Settlement / Yuminov, A. //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2023.–Vol. 1688.– P.159-167
Yuminov, A.M The Mineral Composition of Ground Material from the Stone Pestles of the Gonur-Depe Administrative and Religious Center (South-Eastern Karakum) / A.M. Yuminov, I.A. Blinov, N.N. Ankusheva //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2022.– P.75-82
Blinov, I.A Influence of Copper Items Treatment Methods on XRF Results (Based on the Belt Stripping Clips from Kichigino I Burial Ground, Kurgan 5, Southern Trans-Urals) / I.A. Blinov, A.D. Tairov, A.M. Yuminov //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2021.– P.33-37
Fluorite in Ores of the Saf’yanovka Massive Sulfide Deposit, Central Urals: Assemblages, Composition, and Genesis / Safina, N.P //Geology of Ore Deposits.–2021.–Vol. 63 No. 2.– P.118-137
Tairov, A.D The Metal of the First Dautovo (Itkul I) Settlement from South Ural National History Museum Collection / A.D. Tairov, I.A. Blinov //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2021.– P.147-152
Yuminov, A.M Mineral Composition of Ores and Primary Processing Products of the Ancient Mikhailovsky Mine (Central Orenburg Region) / A.M. Yuminov, I.A. Blinov, A.E. Guzairova //Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences.–2021.– P.90-95
ФЛЮОРИТ В РУДАХ САФЬЯНОВСКОГО МЕДНО-ЦИНКОВО-КОЛЧЕДАННОГО МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯ, СРЕДНИЙ УРАЛ: АССОЦИАЦИИ, СОСТАВ, ГЕНЕЗИС / Н.П. Сафина //Геология рудных месторождений / Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdemii (* англ. Geology of Ore Deposits).–2021.–Том 63 № 2.– C.132-153
Блинов, И.А. Состав наконечников стрел раннесарматского времени из могильных ям 1 и 2 кургана 3 могильника Кичигино I / И.А. Блинов, А.Д. Таиров //Геоархеология и археологическая минералогия.–2020.–Том 7.– C.190-193
Повышение квалификации: 
Стратегия развития университета. ЮУрГУ в программе Приоритет-2030 (24 ч., 2021 г.)
Оказание первой помощи пострадавшим (16 ч., 2019 г.)
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