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Student from Côte d'Ivoire chose SUSU

South Ural State University

South Ural State University is one of the leading Russian multidisciplinary universities with the fundamental scientific basis and high standards of specialist training. The university is multinational and nowadays is a home for more than 2,300 international students from 56 countries.

Remote Communication: How to Maintain Psychological Comfort

During distance learning, students and teachers changed real communication into remote communication. Two months later, some peculiarities of such communication appeared, and even the norms of "digital" business etiquette became clear. The Head of the Department of General Psychology, Psychodiagnostics, and Counselling of the SUSU School of Medical Biology, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology) Svetlana Morozova told about how the nature of communication in the Internet is changing, and why it happens.

Gala Concert of the Together Festival to be Held at SUSU Online

South Ural State University will hold the gala concert of the Together (Vmeste) international festival of creativity for the 12th time.

The event is dedicated to the Children's Day and aims to support the patriotic education of the younger generation and for the older generation to pass on their experience.

The stages of the festival are held throughout the year across the Chelyabinsk Region. Talented choreographers, singers, musicians, readers, and children who practice applied art will reveal their skills at a variety of venues.

SUSU Student from Côte d'Ivoire Spoke about His Experience in Online Classes

For a student from Côte d’Ivoire, online classes are not a new experience. Abubakar Yaro highlighted the main pros and cons of this type of education. Why he considers distance learning easier than in-person classes, whether it is possible to keep in touch with classmates during self-isolation, and how students are affected by the online format - we will learn from our interview.

What advantages of online classes have you noticed for yourself?

Russian Scientists Figured out How to Extend the Life of LCD Screens

Scientists at South Ural State University published the results of their research that will affect many areas of modern science and technology. Researchers were able to measure the ionic electrical conductivity of a liquid crystals layer in complex structures consisting of several materials (liquid crystal cells). This means that now experts will be able to diagnose the state of structured materials as well as objects and devices, which include materials with ionic conductivity, e.g., liquid crystal displays, biological and composite materials.

Prize-winner in UMNIK Program on Fulfilling a Project Surpassing Its Western Analogues

Young scientists of South Ural State University annually participate in the UMNIK Program, which supports commercially-oriented scientific and technical projects. Winners are awarded grants amounting to 500000 roubles to fulfil their projects.

"Professions of the Future", a Film about Young Geniuses Premiered Online on Children's Day

On June 1, Children's Day, a unique film "Professions of the Future" became available for public access in Russia for the first time. The heroes of the film are ambitious schoolchildren: Kirill develops artificial intelligence, Sasha designs robots, Kristina invents a cell phone charger powered by the human body, Iulia launches industrial drones, and Misha creates an IT start-up that facilitates preparation for the Unified State Examination.

Self-education in Self-isolation: Read Bestsellers of Chinese Literature

Today we will talk about the literature of China. The authors of the Middle Kingdom (that is China) are not very well known to the Russian mass reader; however, the cultural contacts between our countries are expanding, and an interest in the Chinese literature is growing year after year.

SUSU Launches Creativity Contest to Celebrate Russia Day

South Ural State University invites everyone to take part in an online contest dedicated to Russia Day.

“SUSU Russia Day” contest will be held in social networks, where young people will be able to join the celebration via their accounts, show talents, and receive prizes. Works are accepted in two categories: “Colours of Russia” and “Sing the Anthem of Russia”.

SUSU Rector Told Multimillion Audience about Features of Admissions Campaign

Aleksandr Shestakov took part in an online multimedia conference dedicated to the release of the annual research entitled Russian Universities: Navigator for the 2020 Applicant.

The online forum, organized by the MIA Russia Today International Press Centre, gathered a multimillion audience that included journalists, schoolchildren, teachers, university professors, applicants and their parents.

Institute of Linguistics and International Communications: World without Borders and Language Barriers

Do you want to become a specialist who speaks several foreign languages confidently? Are you ready to participate in solving global problems, communicate with international partners, manage election campaigns, analyze the political situation and forecast political processes? Are you dreaming of a world without borders and language barriers?

Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Invites to Obtain Master’s Degree in Topical Programmes

The SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications invites students to obtain Master’s degrees in three promising fields. These fields meet the requirements of modern employers, as well as of the globalization and digitalization of the world society.

SUSU Children’s Online University Has Organized an Online Master Class on Oratory Skills

Students of South Ural State University are helping record videos for the Children’s Online University in various creative fields.

A lesson on theatre was held by graduate of the SUSU School of Economics and Management, Head of the Tretyakovka Creative Educational Project, script writer, producer, and events host Nataliya Lapshina and school student Milana.

SUSU Conducted a Poll on How People Feel in Voluntary Lockdown

SUSU switched to distance learning more than two months ago. Have students' habits changed during the voluntary lockdown, and do they comply with the regime? We asked subscribers of the I Love SUSU university’s official group in VKontakte.

COVID-19 is the main topic in the mass media around the world. Does the audience follow the news?

Stay at Home, Stay in Shape: the Institute of Sport Offers Online Training

The Institute of Sport, Tourism, and Service of South Ural State University is offering online physical education lessons. The lessons are open to anyone who is interested in joining.

To Chelyabinsk for a University Degree: Applicants from Kyrgyzstan Choose SUSU

South Ural State University (SUSU) is located on the border of the European and Asian parts of Russia, in the city of Chelyabinsk. The convenient location and good academic traditions have led to more than 2300 international students from 56 countries studying in our university today, of which around 400 are from CIS countries. Which fields of study are especially popular among students from Kyrgyzstan? How do international students support one another in a Russian university?

School of Economics and Management: Responding to Digital Economy Challenges

You wish to open your own business? Begin launching startups? Build a career in the baking sphere, or become a civil servant?

Aleksandr Shestakov: “I Have Always Been Doing More Than Was Required”

Childhood... The time of the first discoveries, achievements and victories. A wonderful time! And a care-free one for many. But the Rector of South Ural State University, deputy of the Chelyabinsk Region Legislative Assembly Aleksandr Shestakov has not had any care-free periods in life, and his childhood was no exception.

Diet during Self-Isolation: How to Cope with Stress Without Harm to Your Health

Due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus, many residents of our country are still in self-isolation. These are mainly schoolchildren, students and teachers, that is, those people who are used to active life style. South Ural State University ensures the successful implementation of the educational process without loss of the effectiveness, using the Electronic SUSU system. However, forced restrictions negatively affect the overall emotional background. Staying in a depression for a long time increases the level of stress. How to cope with it?

SUSU Children’s Online University Organized Vocals Master Class

Students from South Ural State University took part in a series of videos for the Children’s Online University for beginners in various creative spheres.

The SUSU Children's Online University Educational Centre aims to popularize the university’s fields of research, and scientific and engineering creativity among children. The project is totally open to all those who wish to join and offers them access to the content at any time, no matter where they are located.

International Students to Share Experience on Studying at SUSU in Video Format

Now SUSU international students have more opportunities to tell about themselves, they have started a channel on YouTube. In their videos foreign students are ready to share their experience of living in Russia and studying in a Russian university thereby helping students from other educational institutions and even applicants to overcome possible problems.

SUSU Shared on Collaboration with Uzbekistan at Online Conference for University Rectors of Russia

On May 27th, an Interregional Conference for University Rectors of Russia and the Republic of Uzbekistan was held in an online format, and among its participants was the Rector of SUSU, Vice-President of the Russian Rectors’ Union, Chairman of the Council of University Rectors of the Ural Federal District, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor Aleksandr Shestakov.

SUSU to Hold the 7th Exhibition of Scientific, Technical and Creative Works of Students

May 27 through June 3, the annual Exhibition of Scientific, Technical and Creative Works of Students will be held at South Ural State University.

During this week, an expert commission will review the works of exhibitors in an online format to announce the winners and prize winners.

The works are available in the official VKontakte group.

SUSU Recreation Centre Applied for Participation in Russian Student Spring Festival

Every year the creative teams of the Recreation Centre actively participate in a big-scale project that is the Russian Student Spring festival. This year is not an exception. It is clear that under the circumstances the festival is held on-line.

SUSU Institute of Law: Law in Digital Era

For more than 25 years, education in Law has been successfully developing at South Ural State University. The tremendous work performed in the previous years has helped to take it to a new level. Since 2016, the Institute of Law has been a structural unit of the major university in our region.

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