SUSU is among the Best 22 Universities of Russia

The national university ranking Interfax 2017 has been published on June 6. SUSU was ranked among the best 22 universities of Russia and improved its performance by 16 positions in comparison with the previous year.

The national ranking Interfax is consisted of the overall ranking and 6 special rankings (“Education”, “Research”, “University Brand”, “Socialization”, “Internationalization”, “Innovation”). The weight coefficient of the first two parameters is taken to be 0.2 for each parameter, and the weight coefficient of other parameters is 0.15. The assessment is conducted on the basis of processing of applications, filled out by university representatives, available public data, posted by educational institutions on their websites, public data of information resources of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as information from the information analysis system SPARK


Contact person: 
Daria Ivleva
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